姓 名:蒋万胜
籍 贯:湖南湘阴
学 位:博士
职 称:副教授
研究方向:1. 水生动物分子生态学
2. 种质资源保护与利用
主要从事水生动物分子生态学及种质资源保护与利用相关研究,内容涉及野外生态调查与环境影响评价、分类进化与生物多样性保护、分子生态及水产基因组开发利用等多个方面。到目前为止,主持科研及横向项目10余项,包括国家基金面上项目、地区项目等,并先后获得中国科学院青年创新促进会会员、湖南省芙蓉学者奖励计划——青年学者、湖湘青年英才等人才项目支持。目前已发表论文30余篇,第一或通讯作者论文21篇(含SCI 18篇),参编专著3部,获国家农业农村部认定水产新品种1个(排名第四)。
Jiang WS, Zhao YP, Du LN, Wang M. 2021. Yunnanilus chuanheensis, a new loach species (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae) from the upper Lixianjiang River in Yunnan, China. Zoological Research,42(2): 241-245.
Yin YH, Zhang XH, Wang XA, Li RH, Zhang YW, Shan XX, You XX, Huang XD, Wu AL, Wang M, Pan XF, Bian C, Jiang WS (通讯作者), Shi Q, Yang JX. 2021. Construction of a chromosome-level genome assembly for genome-wide identification of growth-related quantitative trait loci in Sinocyclocheilus grahami (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Zoological Research. 42(3): 262-266.
Qiu Y, Yin YH, Ruan ZQ, Gao Y, Bian C, Chen JM, Wang XA, Pan XF, Yang JX, Shi Q, Jiang WS (通讯作者). 2020. Comprehensive transcriptional changes in the liver of kanglang white minnow (Anabarilius grahami) in response to the Infection of parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Animals, 10(681): 1-16.
殷艳慧,蒋万胜 (通讯作者),潘晓赋,杨君兴. 2020. 水产养殖鱼类生长性状研究进展. 中国水产科学, 27(4): 463-484.
Jiang WS, Guo YC, Yang KF, Shi Q, Yang JX. 2019. Insights into body size evolution: a comparative transcriptome study on three species of Asian Sisoridae catfish. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(944): 1-23.
Jiang WS, Lv YY, Cheng L, Yang KF, Bian C, Wang XA, Li YP, Pan XF, You XX, Zhang YW, Yang JL, Li J, Zhang XH, Liu SW, Sun C, Yang JX, Shi Q. 2019. Whole genome sequencing of the giant devil catfish, Bagarius yarrelli. Genome Biology and Evolution, 11(8): 2071-2077.
Jiang WS, Li J, Lei XZ, Wen ZR, Han YZ, Yang JX, Chang JB. 2019. Sinocyclocheilus sanxiaensis, a new blind fish from the Three Gorges of Yangtze River provides insights into speciation of Chinese cavefish. Zoological Research, 40(6): 552-557.
Yang KF, Jiang WS (通讯作者), Wang XA, Zhang YW, Pan XF, Yang JX. 2019. Evolution of the intermuscular bones in the Cyprinidae (Pisces) from a phylogenetic perspective. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 8555-8566.
Jiang WS, Qiu Y, Pan XF, Zhang YW, Wang XA, Lv YY, Bian C, Li J, You XX, Chen JM, Yang KF, Yang JL, Sun C, Liu Q, Cheng L, Yang JX, Shi Q. 2018. Genome assembly for a Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau "3E" fish, Anabarilius grahami (Regan), and its evolutionary and genetic applications. Frontiers in Genetics, 9(614): 1-13.
Luo QH, Jiang WS (通讯作者), Chen JH, Song YJ, Ji HB, Hu X. 2017. Fish Composition and Faunal Characteristics in Wulingyuan Scenic Area. C+CA: Progress in Engineering and Science, 42 (7): 3015-3020.
Yang JX, Chen XL, Bai J, Fang DM, Qiu Y, Jiang WS (并列第一作者), …, Shi Q. 2016. The Sinocyclocheilus cavefish genome provides insights into cave adaptation. BMC Biology, 14(1):1-13.
Jiang WS, Qin T, Wang WY, Zhao YP, Shu SS, Song WH, Chen XY, Yang JX. 2016. What is the destiny of a threatened fish, Ptychobarbus chungtienensis, now that non-native weatherfishes have been introduced into Bita Lake, Shangri-La? Zoological Research, 37 (5): 275-280.
Yang ML, Jiang WS (通讯作者), Wang WY, Pan XF, Kong DP, Han FH, Chen XY, Yang JX. 2016. Fish assemblages and diversity in three tributaries of the Irrawaddy River in China: changes, threats and conservation perspectives. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 417(9): 1-15.
Yang KF, Jiang WS (通讯作者), Chen XY, Zhou W, Yang JX. 2016. An integrative approach to reappraising species validity in Pseudexostoma (Teleostei: Sisoridae). Zootaxa, 4158 (3): 352-366.
Ng HH, Jiang WS (通讯作者). 2015. Intrafamilial relationships of the Asian hillstream catfish family Sisoridae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 26(3): 229-240.
Shu SS, Jiang WS (并列第一作者), Whitten T, Yang JX, Chen XY. 2013. Drought and China's cave species. Science, 340, 272.
Jiang WS, Zhao YP, Wang WY, Yang JX, Chen XY. 2013. Length-weight relationship and biological data of a threatened fish, Ptychobarbus chungtienensis (Tsao, 1964) in Bita Lake of Shangri-La, Yunnan, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29, 1173-1176.
Jiang WS, Ng HH, Yang JX, Chen XY. 2012. A taxonomic review of the catfish identified as Glyptothorax zanaensis (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Sisoridae), with the descriptions of two new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 165, 363-389.
Jiang WS, Ng HH, Yang JX, Chen XY. 2011. Monophyly and phylogenetic relationships of the catfish genus Glyptothorax (Teleostei: Sisoridae) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 61, 278-289.
Jiang WS, Chen XY, Yang JX. 2010. A new species of sisorid catfish genus Glyptothorax (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Salween drainage of Yunnan, China. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 87(2), 125-133.
蒋万胜,杜丽娜,江艳娥,杨君兴,陈小勇. 2010. 瑞丽江流域鱼类组成、区系及生活史特点研究. 水生态学杂志,3 (5): 1‑9.
Jiang WS, Tian HF, Zhang L. 2021. Husbandry, captive breeding and field survey of Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). In: Seifert AW, Currie J (eds), 2021, Salamanders: Methods and Protocols, Springer: Humana Press, New York, NY. In press.
蒋万胜, 杨君兴. 2019. 各论:鲇形目. 见张春光等. 2019. 金沙江流域鱼类,北京:科学出版社.
张凯, 蒋万胜, 杨君兴, 邱樱, 石琼. 2017. 金线鲃基因组. 见陈松林. 2017. 鱼类基因组学及基因组育种技术. 北京:科学出版社.